Release dates are not always accurate

Catch and Release Trigger (CRT)Dev Pack
...Source files for a 3d printable fire control group intended for use by developers for...

The RustE11 Open Beta
...First Round of Files for the RustE11 Open Beta
LBRY Tags: art; fosscad; star wars...

TheRustE11 Open Beta Issue #2
...Rifle length versions of the 10/22 based RustE11
LBRY Tags: star wars; art...

The People's Carry Handle (FGC-9)
...No description provided for this release...

Hi-Point C-9 Reference Files (NOT FOR PRINTING)
...Developer pack of reference files NOT FOR PRINTING, See Read Me for more info.

Stabby pokey AKM bayonet adapter
...1913 rail adapter for Romanian AK bayonets
LBRY Tags: art; education...

Glock Gen 5 slide adapter
...For use with a Glock Gen 5 slide and a Gen 3 recoil spring...

Cursed ATI Nomad Furniture
...will fit .410 Nomad, not sure about other versions.
Grip will not need supports, handguard...

Printed TPU Trauma pads
...Print with TPU, no supports necessary.
For any questions or recommendations hit me on twitter...

RustE11 Open beta Issue#3
...E11/E11-D breakdown .22lr Pistol/Rifle
LBRY Tags: art; education; gaming...

3D printable RMR Covers
...No description provided for this release...

Glock Stand
...P80 Ralph's Glock Stand as well as a Blank Stands and .Step/.Sldprt files to...
