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HubTN.4 - 22lr, open beta (v3)
...Open beta for a 22lr variant in the HubTN.4 series. Made for use with 3/4x16...

HubTN.4 - 556k,k+, open beta (v3)
...Open beta for the 556k & k+ variants in the HubTN.4 series. HUB as well as...

HubTN.4 - 9mmL, open beta (v2)
...Open beta for the 9mm Long variant in the HubTN.4 series. HUB as well as...

HubTN.4 - 30cal (FTN.4 remix)
...I've tested this a fair amount up to semiauto 308 (vid on reddit) but...

HUB compatible Flash Can (1.375x24, 1 3/8x24)
...- Durable 2 piece flash can / blast forwarding device made of a tapered Core and Sleeve...
