Images for smaller things are broken but not popular releases? Probably an Odysee problem
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g17 to g26 magazine sleeve

Nov. 3, 2023, 7:53 p.m. - 1.4MiB - @fcmetats
0.00LBC - 2 Reposts
9x19mm Handgun Glock Glock 17 Glock 26
...The existing options were not good enough. This printable adapter sleeve fills the gap and...
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Double Stack Shenandoah PRD

Aug. 15, 2023, 10:32 p.m. - 35.6KiB - @fcmetats
0.00LBC - 0 Reposts
...There's a holster called the Bianchi Model 175 "Shenandoah," and while Safariland LLC doesn...
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Tulip 26

Dec. 2, 2023, 4:21 p.m. - 32.9MiB - @fcmetats
0.00LBC - 0 Reposts
...A vaguely floral holster for the G26 and any clones with holster compatibility....
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