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Smith and Wesson SD9 - "Cobra 9" V1.0
...This is a remix of FMDA's original SD9 file implementing the Cobra pattern used...

LANAAAA!!! TacDaddy Remix
...This is an Archer-themed remix of Ctrl+Pew's Tac Daddy, featuring LANAAAA!!! One...

FMDA DD26.2 With Picatinny Rail V1.1
...Picatinny Rail V1.1
CAD by:
LBRY Tags: glock 26; g26; fmda; picatinny; rail...

Sd40Ve 3d Cubed
...tyrannicalty with 3d cubed stipple. Uses sd40ve locking block, and SD9 front rail from riptiderails...

Remixed by SpaceBoundTactical
reddit u/Spaceboundtactical
Odysee SpaceboundTactical
DefCad Spaceboundtactical
LBRY Tags: sd40ve; sd40; smith...

SD40vE Star Stipple
...tyrannicalty remixxed by spaceboundtactical with a star stipple. Uses sd40ve locking block, and SD9 front...

SD40VE SnowStipple
...tyrannicalty remixxed by spaceboundtactical with a snowflake stipple. Uses sd40ve locking block, and SD9 front...

SD40VE Puzzle Stipple
...tyrannicalty with a puzzle piece stipple for all you autists. Uses sd40ve locking block, and SD9 front...

BearDagger DD19.2 Remix
...Remix of TyrannicalTy's DD Dagger FMDA DD19.2 with extended beaver tail and front mag well....

Ban Idiots Not Guns SD40VE ( BiNGSD40VE )
Remixed by SpaceBoundTactical
reddit u/Spaceboundtactical
Odysee SpaceboundTactical
DefCad Spaceboundtactical
LBRY Tags: sd40...

SD40VE Tron Stipple
...tyrannicalty remixxed by spaceboundtactical with a tronlike stipple. Uses sd40ve locking block, and SD9 front...

SD40VE with Firecracker stipple
...tyrannicalty with a firecracker stipple. Uses sd40ve locking block, and SD9 front rail from riptiderails...

UbiquitousFindableObjectSD40VE "UFO"
Remixed by SpaceBoundTactical
reddit u/Spaceboundtactical
Odysee SpaceboundTactical
DefCad Spaceboundtactical
TikTok Spaceboundtactical
LBRY Tags: sd40ve...
