All LBRY claims are public, even if you hide them in Odysee. It's the nature of the platform

DB9 Alloy MLOK Handguard
...MLOK Handguard for the DB9 Alloy. Versions with and without piccitany rail....

DB9 Alloy Sten Mag Loader Tool
...Mag loader for the printed Sten mags used on the DB9 Alloy. They are slightly...

Captain America Firecracker Payload Remix
...Remix of the Captain America signal launcher payload cup. Designed to use small, individual firecrackers...

DB9 Alloy Heatset QD Rear Insert
...Remix of the pic rail rear insert for the DB9 Alloy from @db-firearms:4...

MLOK HandstopBarricade
...TuNeCedeMalis' DB9 Alloy MLOK Handguard in mind, but should work any MLOK slot with no issues...
