Images for smaller things are broken but not popular releases? Probably an Odysee problem

3d printable 22 bolt action
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: 22; 3d printed; gun; diy...

Desk holster for a Beretta 1951 and two mags.
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: desk holster; organizer; beretta; 1951; 3d print...

Mjolnir, a war hammer with a 37mm flare in it that detonates on impact
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: mjolnir; 3d print; war hammer; 37mm; yeet...

Saracen Dynamics 37mm Launcher
...No description provided for this release...

Adjustable sight rail for the Saracen Dynamics 37mm launcher
...No description provided for this release...

Crayonfall Mini Mortar
...No description provided for this release...

BETA TEST of HK UMP lookalike, but with much cheaper internals
...No description provided for this release...

AR style lower for cartridges up to 3.85" OAL
...No description provided for this release...

Training Aid, cake of congratulations
...No description provided for this release...

Molle Pouches for 12Bs
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: demolition charge; 12b; rip it; molle; pouch...
