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FGC9 MKII AR9 Barrel Upper, Modified Stingray, MKII Retainers

Dec. 6, 2022, 5:56 p.m. - 153.4MiB - @FGCKits
0.01LBC - 0 Reposts
9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm
...FGCKits in the US for build and upgrade parts for a 100% maintainable FGC9 build...
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FGC-9 Stingray Upper for AR-9 barrel w/ modded handguard for wider barrels

Feb. 7, 2023, 5:06 p.m. - 992.8KiB - makarovshooter9x18
0.01LBC - 0 Reposts
9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm
...FGCKits. If you are making a Stingray with an AR-9 barrel, the upper from...
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