Look up an author to see everything they've made, you might find something cool

3D2A AICS 5rd Magazine
...Printable AICS magazine for .308Win, 7.62x51 and 6.5 Creedmore
Remixed from Kull_Damneds' design...

SG22 Bolt Gun Hanguard
...Replacement handguard for SG22 by Booligan
LBRY Tags: boltgun; sg22; handguard; 22l; 3d2a...

v2 3DP90 Instructions
...Updated instructions and related files for AWCY 3DP90
LBRY Tags: awcy; 3dp90; are we cool...

Lil Piglet Magazine Buttstock
...Remix of Damascus2A Lil Piglet. Added compartment in rear for 3x 10 round mags. Work...

Keltec CP33 Mag Holder
...Magazine Holder for Keltec CP33
LBRY Tags: keltec; cp33; magazine; 3d2a; gummybear...

Henry Big Boy X Stock
...Henry Big Boy X Stock
LBRY Tags: henry; fosscad; big boy; lever; stock...

Makita UFG-9
...Remix of Unseemkillers UFG-9
LBRY Tags: ufg9; makita; fmg; 3d; g19...

Magnetic M700 Bolt Protector
...Remixed from Vilcoyote77 on Thingiverse
Allows you to remove cap from bolt protector.
Use at...

Carry handle
...MLOK carry handle and tripod adapter.
LBRY Tags: carry handle; 3dp; 2a; tripod; 700...

Burnt Bacon 190mm
...Longer version of AWCY Burnt Bacon 1/2x28
LBRY Tags: awcy; bacon; compensator; 3d; printed...

v1.1 KSG Cheekpad Shell Holder DOUBLE THICC
...Shell holder that doubles as a cheek riser. Add some foam for extra height and...

M77 Offset Folding Foregrip
...MP7 style offset folding foregrip. Remixed it from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4969495 for KSG. Should fit...

KSG Front Rail Shell Saddle
...Remixed from a file I found, unfortunately I don't have the original creators name...

Beach Pigeon Added Text
...Added text to both sides
LBRY Tags: beach pigeon; 2a; desert eagle; 22lr; 3dp...

HS-1 Offset Mount
...Offset 30mm mount for HS-1 Thermal
LBRY Tags: cp33; hs1; 30mm; 3d2a; thermal...

v2 T2 G19 Magnum
...Remix of Halo Magnum by Booligan
LBRY Tags: halo; magnum; m6; 3d; 2a...

Lil Piglet Magazine Buttstock simple latch with even more storage
...BluePandaPrints:f and @Damascus_2a:6
STEP files Included
Original files...
