Tags are best-effort. They might miss some things sometimes

MAF Arms 3D Placard
...MAF arms has some of the best 3d2a parts kits on the market so a...

REMIX The Chipman S&W 15-22 Mag with M3 Nut Inserts
...Remix of The Chipman to have M3 nuts on the right side of the mag...

UMP 11/9 x DMB Co. D.R.U.M Tower Remix
...Modified sten tower to be lower profile and added the mag catch tab. Only need...

Remix Not-A-Glock Picatinny Rail UFA Compliant Frame
...Remix of the Not-A-Glock the UFA compliant slot for steel to reach 3.7...

Remix UMP 11/9 Improved Metal Sten Mag Latch
...Remix of the standard metal sten mag modification latch included in the original UMP 11/9...

UMP 11/9 16" Barrel Collar
...If you have a longer rifle barrel, the free floating barrel likely has a slight...

REMIX Not-A-Glock UFA Compliant Frame
...Not pretty, but added large piece in front of the frame to pack with steel...

UMP 11/9 Edited Stock v1 (No loops for velcro, left folding)
...Edited the UMP 11/9 left folding stock to have no velcro loops for rifle size...
