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AWCY? Presents: The chOdin Chassis for 10/22 Receivers
...chassis and grip panel remixes completed by unseenkiller.
LBRY Tags: art; guns; 3d printed; awcy?; 10/22...

FNS Crusdader PDW by DB Firearms
Special thanks to Unseenkiller for the incredible remixes also contained in the download files....

Galileo R2
...collaboration with DB Firearms, Durbanpoisonpew, and unseenkiller
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; 10/22; 22lr; guncad; guns...

Budget Pistol Sturm Ruger 9mm
...A SR9/SR40/9E remix of Unseenkillers Black Pawn Glonk frame...

...Remix of Unseenkiller's Block19 P80 Rails. Steps are included for you to fix any problems ;)...

Paragon Pocket 19
...Pocket-19 PDW - A Remix Kit of @unseenkiller:d Paragon G19
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; g19; glock; pdw; fmda...

RUST inspired AK Stock
...shout out to @unseenkiller:d for the picatinny dev blank
LBRY Tags: rust; ak; picatinny; stock; 3d...

S&W Shield 3D+ | UPDATE 1/23/2025
...Unseenkiller, which he made at the request of a student at Guncademy! (Which is also...

USK Paragon Remix REMIXED
...Took off all the funky stuff up front and kept the rest! @unseenkiller:d...

DB9 Slim magholder angled foregrip remix
...frame and db9 slim handstop with cutout for (v4_Unseenkiller Remix_1_Mag Body - DB9 Slim)...

Lean BRSKT remix
...unseenkiller:d and @MiddletonMade:1 BRSKT
Prints in 2 pieces, slick sides, changes to geometry...

Lil Carbon Folder
...UnseenKiller's 'Little Giant' with the weight savings of a carbon fiber truss from the 'Carbon...

Galilio-R2 handguards & Barrel Nut for the Decimator-22
...handguards & a modified Barrel nut for the Decimator-22
LBRY Tags: gr2; galilior2; unseenkiller; 10/22; decimator...

speedball 17
...unseenkiller in a span of 3 hours to prove a point about cad that it is simple...

The Anarchy Grip - V1
...Unseenkiller’s Anarchy project. There may be some fitting required where the fin meets the lower...

DB Alloy Glock Lower - Right Side Mag Release
...Unseenkiller's Right side Glock Release added to it. It includes all 3 glock lower...

NAG22 G-26x Lower
...Just a remixer
NAG22 G-26x lower
Ju5t3nc4s3 Unseenkiller
Follow SET-UP readme for Printing Info....

Wushu-Grip - Scouts Kung Fu Stipple
...UnseenKiller explained it well in this video!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YGiao5AKN4&t=3536s)
Below are my recommended print...

...unseenkillers pic blank and Scorp and Brydun's AR-15 Tailhook Arm Brace from fosscad...

Dewalt remix
...unseenkiller and DremeSmith. This is P80 rail compatable.
LBRY Tags: c:disable-reactions-video; c:disable...