Not everything is legal everywhere. So shut up, you don't have shit

Bidens Bane AR47 no FA no FRT
...A Biden's Bane Printable AR47 Upper Receiver ...

BB RQD Clone
...Please buy the metal version from Borebuddy, It is a amazing muzzle device.
A clone...

...This is a mashup/remix from about 10 different designs I've seen floating around:

m5078 - FG42 AR grip
...This is our 3d printable fg42 style grip for the ar15 or ar10.
LBRY Tags...

Anti-Walk FCG Pin Blocks
...These pin blocks are meant to use cheap 1.25" 8-32 screws as AR15 Trigger...

The Trident- A folding AR-22 styled pistol, original CAD by Mussy.
...A folding AR-22 styled pistol designed by Mussy.
This system uses a CMMG 5.56...

Trigger Modification Jig for Super Safety V4.4
...This is a Jig to make the trigger modification for Hoffman Tactical Super Safety quick...

Ar22WMR AR17HMR 15rnd Straight Wall Mag
...15 round straight mag. Like the Black dog machine mag but better...

20rd 7.62x39 Stackable Storage Box
...Remix of @FFFTech:3 's 7.62x39 Ammo Boxes (20rd version only). Makes them more...

HD22/EZ22 skinny mag clean model
...The model was just cleaned up and made whole. The original is a mess of...

22lr Suppressor for the Borebuddy RQD
...My D1.3BB design but threaded for Borebuddys RQD (Rimfire Quick Disconnect) muzzle devices.
* PLA+ or...

Push Brace 4.0
...Updated the Push Brace once again, stronger and with more cuts!
LBRY Tags: 3d printing...

10/22 quad mag coupler
...Quadruple mag coupler
Allows you to attach 4 10rd 10/22 ruger mags onto one unit...

209 Storage plus grip ext.
...This is a 209 Primer storage for the “kampfpistole” and the “Leuchtpistole” by caffrinated. i...

Pic Rail Pistol Tube Thang
...Picatinny mounted pistol buffer tube extension for adding whatever brace you'd like to a...

3d printed 10-22 barrel guide_1.3
...Newbie guide for making a 3D printed 10/22 barrel
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; 10/22; diy...

...Version of the Bidens Bane that uses 2mm stock for anti-shear...

UFA Compliance Barrel Extender for Harlot
...This barrel extension is a reskin for the MK23 style generic model that allows you...

UBAR2 Hanguard and Barrel Nut
...This is my handguard for the UBAR2, or my newer 22 lower update. It works...

void silencer test videos. 9mm. 300bo, 22lr
...void silencer test videos. 9mm. 300bo, 22lr
LBRY Tags: silencertest; 22lr; 9mm; 300bo...