The asterisk (*) doesn't do anything here, use space-separated keywords instead

F-4 AR-15 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, X_T and STEP Format
Its an expensive AR why would anyone buy this

DShK Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP and X_T File Format available.
(Probably not a DSHK more likely a NSV or a KORD)
The DShK M1938 (Cyrillic: ДШК, for Russian:

Rock 5.7 +3 Mag Extension
Palmetto State Armory Rock 5.7 mag extension. Uses factory spring and 3x12mm set screws to lock in place. Works with the factory frame. With a longer

Galilio-R2 handguards & Barrel Nut for the Decimator-22
Galilio-R2 handguards & a modified Barrel nut for the Decimator-22
LBRY Tags: gr2; galilior2; unseenkiller; 10/22; decimator

Smol Waffle Stick 20rd but fits DB's Czech Nine
extended the cutout in front of the mag body so it now can be inserted to the czech nine magwell. please don't ask me for step file since the original

M60 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The M60, officially the Machine Gun, Caliber 7.62 mm, M60, is a family of American gener

Super Safety Lever LR-308
The LR-308 lever is intended to replace the original lever when the Super Safety is used with the LR-308 platform. Due to carrier clearance, the origi

G19 Halo Magnum Slide Remix
This is a remix of the G19 Halo Magnum project by @BooliganCustomGunworks:f and @chairmanwon:a all credit goes to them. All I did was add the 'UNSC' a

RXM Reference Model
This is a 3D assembly model of the Ruger RXM, created using extracted visualization assets from Ruger and dimensional data from physical samples.

Desert Tech MDR Reference Model
STEP, IGES, and X_T File Format, Unknown Developer
The MDR (Micro Dynamic Rifle) is a family of autoloading bullpup rifles designed by Desert Tech (fo

CZ83 Reference Model
STEP File Format, Unknown Developer
The Pistole vz. 82 is a compact semi-automatic pistol made for the Czechoslovakian military. "vz." is an abbrevia

Desert Eagle 50 Reference Model
IGES, and STEP File Format, Unknown Developer
The Desert Eagle or "Deagle" is a single-action, gas-operated, semi-automatic pistol capable of chamber

Desert Eagle 44 Reference Model
IGES, and STEP File Format, Unknown Developer
The Desert Eagle or "Deagle" is a single-action, gas-operated, semi-automatic pistol capable of chamber

Colt Peacemaker Reference Model
IGES, and STEP File Format, Unknown Developer
The Colt Single Action Army (also known as the SAA, Model P, Peacemaker, or M1873) is a single-action r

Colt 1851 Navy Reference Model
STEP, IGES, and X_T File Format, Unknown Developer
The Colt Revolving Belt Pistol or Navy Pistol, sometimes erroneously referred to as "Colt Revolvin

Chiappa Rhino 60DS Reference Model
STEP, IGES, and X_T File Format, Unknown Developer
The Chiappa Rhino is a series of revolvers produced by Italian manufacturer Chiappa Firearms. The

CZ 452-2E ZKM Carbine Reference Model
You can find the original model here this is TeruTeru's new account on Odysee
STEP and

Cheytac M200 Intervention Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES, and X_T Format
The CheyTac Intervention, also known as the CheyTac M200, is an American bolt-action sniper rifle manuf

Chauchat Reference Model
STEP, IGES, and X_T File Format, Unknown Developer
The Chauchat ("show-sha", French pronunciation: [ʃoʃa]) was the standard light machine gun or "mac

Chamelot-Delvigne MAS1874
Unknown Developer, STEP, and IGES, and X_T File Format
The MAS 1874 was a center-fire cartridge revolver that was the first of its kind adopted by th