Release dates are not always accurate

Gunmetal Design Big 50
...Original Developer O-Town currently lost to history.
Gunmetal Design Big 50
50 Cal browning...

Luger P08 (from 1916 blueprints)
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this! Thank you for your work in this community...

The Browning Challenger .22 LR Mk 1 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer STEP and IGES File Format
The Browning Challenger .22 LR Mk 1 pistol...

Sig P226 Slide Assembly
...This upload is from developer Steven Kiley who took the time to reverse engineer the...

T97 NSR-T97 NSR FTU Reference Models
...This is a T97 NSR and T97 NSR FTU Reference Model N1 Solution took the...

Ruger AC-556 (STP, STL, SLDPRT)
...This is a Ruger AC-556 Reference Model N1 Solution took the time to repair...

Ruger 1022 Carbine Model 1103
...This is a 10/22 Reference Model N1 Solution took the time to repair and convert...

Steyr Mannlicher M9A1 polymer pistol
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this!
Thank you for your work...

Bersa Thunder .380 CC pistol (2011)
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this! Thank you for your work in this community...

Ruger MK III Reference Model
...STEP Format Only, Unknown Developer
The Ruger Standard Model is a rimfire semi-automatic pistol...

Colt M1911A1 Cal. .45 ACP
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this! Thank you for your work in this community...

Luger P08 Lange (long) (1913)
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this! Thank you for your work in this community...

...Big 50 Cal Stock Remix from Developer Steven Kiley!...

Libel Rifle 1887
...From GrabCAD developer John Fall thank you for your work in this great community!!!

Farrow Rifle circa 1890
...From GrabCAD developer John Fall thank you for your work in this great community!!!

M15 Officers Pistol
...From GrabCAD developer John Fall thank you for your work in this great community!!!

Radom BRS-99 Reference Model
...Radom BRS-99 Reference Model unknown developer suspected o-town

Wolfspistole Underbarrel 26.5mm
...From Black Lotus Coalition Developer Stubbs Released July 28, 2024
The Wolfspistole Underbarrel 26.5mm...

Urutau - Normal Length - Metric Bolt
...The Urutau was originally designed between 2021 and 2024 by Zé Carioca, a pseudonymous Brazilian...

Grippy Foregrips v1.0 Reference
...Released November 22, 2022 from developer DannyMeatballs
Original Link:
A bunch of...