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Ak vice block re-upload
...ak-47"s. originally designed created and made by :shadowstalk on thingiverse. re-uploading here...

jts 12 gauge ak handguard set
...For the chinese JTS 12 gauge ak's ...

KP prints - AK type 1 bayonet
...ak's someone else had 3-d modeled. maybe it will be useful to someone...

AK Reciever Flat laser TEMPLATE For Plasma cutting tables
...ak-47 receiver flat on a plasma table, such as the Langmuir Systems CrossFire CNC....

printable ak bayonet sheath
...Here is a 3-d printable bayonet sheath i found on the internet for military...

Nearly the entire ak-74 in stl and step format.
...No description provided for this release...

ak mag release part 2
...part 2...

Stripper Clip -> AK Magazine Adapter

5.56 AK Mag, Waffle, split STL parts 4/4
...No description provided for this release...

5.56 AK Mag, Waffle, split STL parts 3/4
...No description provided for this release...

5.56 AK Mag, Waffle, split STL parts 1/4
...No description provided for this release...

amphibeous ak mag release part 2
...part 2 of the amphibious mag release. print flat and also at a min of...

5.56 AK Mag, Waffle, split STL parts 2/4
...No description provided for this release...

AK-103 Butt and handguard
...Blueprints for the butt and hand guard if you have any more send me a...

AK Ext. Charge Handle
...Uses 10-24 x 3/8 Set Screw! ...

AR Spring for AK Mag
...I don't have a cool Russian... I mean Donovian backstory for this one. Made...

KP prints - Railed AK dust cover
...******* Confirmed does not work, NEEDS WORK, READ COMMENTS*********
untested, but here goes.
Heres a railed...

3-d scan of ak-47 gun creator, mikhail Kalashnikov. - bookshelf end
...No description provided for this release...

Batto Stock for yugo ak
...Edited yugo stock.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; c:unlisted...

...This is a copy of the hogue style pistol grips that feel extremely nice for...