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HS-BA11(S) AR Pistol Grip
...You know what this is. Enjoy it.
LBRY Tags: ar15; pistol grip; penis...

The Plug
...a 12 or 20 gauge to 22LR chamber adapter that will cycle in most Mags...

Ruger Mk Series - TacSol Ejector Installation Tool
...I needed a tool to hold the Tactical Solutions Ejector in a Ruger MK Series...

Schräge Musik Teaser 6-12-2022
...Attempted deadline end July
LBRY Tags: belt fed; stubbs; ar15; 3d printed; c:unlisted...

EZ22 ODP511 Rails ODPrints
...Rails for the 511 Hand guards and included are the hand guards if you didn...

Magful Brace v1
...Magful Brace v1 by Push P.L.A.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; brace; ar15; milspec; pistol brace...

New MagPlate - TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster
...Mag Plate with end. no slip and slide. :laughing_2:
LBRY Tags: tec22; mk2s; mag...

Harlot Safety Block
...Used to prevent your harlot from going off when stowed with the hammer back. Completely...

Smaller HD22c Charging Handle
...A little one, that also isn't round so it won't just start spinning...

Night Raid AK Grip
...Night Raid AK Grip: Laffs
Semi-skeletonized AK grip. Has ridging on the lower section...

Tec22 mk2s ghetto blaster - Upper with rails.
...I did a remix of the upper with rails for the TEC22 mk2s ghetto blaster...

Ruger LCP 2 22LR Magazine Extension Grip
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ruger; lcp; pistol; magazine; 22lr...

WBK's AR-15 front charging handle extension 1.0
...Simple, but effective extension designed for BPAR-15, but it will work with even standard...

AS VAL Carbine Chassis for Ruger 10/22
...purchase the actual file direct from

hd22c stock folding
...No description provided for this release...

ak47 extended charging handle - MPMS
...Extended charging handle for AK47 variants
LBRY Tags: ak47; mostlypeacefulmachineshop; charging handle; awcy; gatalog...

Charlie's Castrated Custom Pistol Grip
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ar-15; pistol grip; penis...

Beach Pigeon Added Text
...Added text to both sides
LBRY Tags: beach pigeon; 2a; desert eagle; 22lr; 3dp...

No Schut Harlot Pin Blocker
...Makes the ND beast safe to pocket carry. Simply rip the blocker out when ready...

Threads up
3-5 Walls