The asterisk (*) doesn't do anything here, use space-separated keywords instead

Make your own magazine springs: Spring Factory v1.2 added tabs to fix to a table
...enjoy making your own magazine springs! :)
LBRY Tags: 3d print; magazine; spring factory; glock; ar15...

RMSC "Optic" v1
...insert. Use 1mm thick plexiglass and cut to size.
LBRY Tags: optic; gun; glock; rmsc; 3dprint...

...instruction images included with file.
for P80 g19/g17
LBRY Tags: nas; imthatdude; brace; glock; notastock...

G43X MOS - S1 - PY2A
Any emails can be sent to
LBRY Tags: 43x; glock; ss80; pf9ss; py2a...

...TikTok: agoffgrid
LBRY Tags: 9mm; glock; bcam; 3d print; diy...

...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: g17l; g35; g24; 3dpy2a; glock...

SS80 Rails STL and STEP
...rails to CAD. Now go find a machinist and get some made!
LBRY Tags: ss80; glock; rails...

DMB Magazine Follower Fix
...same as the 9mm. Let me know if anyone tries it and has success.
LBRY Tags: glock; magazine; follower; dmb...

DD43 G43X Mag Catch
...height and the OEM slim is 7.85, but this is 7.08.
LBRY Tags: glock; stl; 43x; @philphisher...

mag release regular
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: glock...

D3D Riptide Holster Beta
...cutout added to 43/48 models, Added 8/14/24
LBRY Tags: holster; riptide rails; glock; ccw; iwb...

YZY's Perfect Handstops and Barricade Rests
...tapered point on the bottom.
LBRY Tags: handstop; yzy prints; 3d printed; glock; ar-15...

GlockLightSwitch fidget switch
...have a switch you ain't black" ~Boe Jiden (GFTG)
LBRY Tags: switch; fidget; glock...

Curved Meatball Mag by NeutronNick - reupload
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: glock; mag; magazine; curved; extendo...

FMDA Ghost-19 Remix
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: 3d print; fmda; ghost; glock; dd19.2...

FYRE Curved Macazine
...FYRE Curved MacDaddy Macazine
LBRY Tags: macdaddy; curved mag; magazine; glock; macazine...

Mendez Mags with fixed follower
...does not jam and slide stays open when the mag is empty.
LBRY Tags: glock; mendez; magazine...

Corser 10 PDW G43X MOS
...before I drop any other unrelated new Files.
LBRY Tags: g43x mos; glock; pdw; dd43.1; ss80...

G43X MOS - S1 - SS80
Any emails can be sent to
LBRY Tags: 43x; ss80; glock; pf9ss; py2a...

Kinder Egg - P80 Jig
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; p80; glock; jig; 3d print...