People name their projects after really weird stuff sometimes

Telescoping Square Rail Stock
...Telescoping Stock using rectangular bar stock
LBRY Tags: pewpew; stock; brace; scorpion; telescopic...

FGC9-MKII Extended Stock
...Who doesn't want more length?...... Stock up.
LBRY Tags: fgc9; stock; 9mm; brace...

...FOLLOW AND DOWNLOAD BOOLIGAN'S FMDA 19 USW AT HOME. Loved Booligan's folding brace...

Dagger Chassis V2
...This is a chassis for the PSA Dagger Compact.
LBRY Tags: airsoft; dagger; psa; chassis...

...from cults for free use, instruction images included with file.
for P80 g19/g17
LBRY Tags...

Ajax folding stock
...Folding Stock/Brace based off a popular existing design. Mirror this entire thing for the nameless...

MCXish Remix Megapack
...Huge shoutout to @philphisher:0 for the original design. I cant imagine how much work...

MCXish Carbon 26.5 Side Saddle
...@Altpersonalitty:7 MCXish carbon remix merged with @DurbanPoisonPew:9 26.5 side saddle.
All credit goes...

...Remember to set wall ordering from inside to outside, so things don't go stupid...

Worker Stock Pic Rail Adapter
...Picatinny Rail to Worker Stock (or any other Nerf-compatible stock) adapter.
Based on the...

CF Tube Sauerkraut Remix (w/ step)
...This is a modification of Middletonmade's design. Rather than printing the brace/stock it uses...

PDW S/B, Model 1 Delta 2 V1.0.1
...PDW S/B, Model 1 Delta 2 V1.0.1: Laffs Dynamics
Enhanced variant of the Base Model...

Lil Carbon Folder
...Remixed the Little Giant and Carbon Folder into one happy brace/stock system. The best of...

PDW S/B, Model 1 Delta 1 V1.0.1
...PDW S/B, Model 1 Delta 1 V1.0.1: Laffs Dynamics
Enhanced variant of the Base Model...

Slim Brace
...pistol brace I designed for my wife's AR. It is based on the Tailhook...

PP MCXish 3D Printed Folding Brace
...pistol brace inspired by the legendary Sig Sauer MCX Thin Folding Stock. It attaches to anything...

5032A presents harlot brace
...a pistol brace designed for harlot .22...

Carbon Folder Brace To Stock Pad
...brace and adds width and contour to make it more suitable for shouldering with a full rifle.
This pad is intended FOR RIFLE USE ONLY. The DB JMAC pistol brace...

AWCY? ACR Stock Left Fold Picatinny Adapter
...pistol brace and rifle stock files, but only in STEP CAD format, and only for right...

Hoffman Tactical Gen 2 Stock System
...options for TPU butt pads. There is also a Pistol Brace option for those completing pistol builds....