Pay attention to releases marked as "Beta" -- you might get more than you bargained for

Classic Factory regular style oem kalashnikov style grip for AK's by kalashnikov prints
...AK pistol grip, atleast when i found one, the checkering looked horrible and would not print...

...provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ak-47_10_round_magazine; magazine; ak 47; gun; cad...

Push P.L.A.'s 1022 AK-based remix
...Push P.L.A.'s 1022 AK-based remix
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; 1022...

v1 22 AK Project open development community project
initially, .22lr, and hopefully 9mm.
A hybrid firearm, that will be able to be both...

AK Retainer Plate V1
...AK retainer plate for keeping the trigger pins in. Installs like any other retainer plate...

Ak Pistol
...make a pistol caliber AK
LBRY Tags: homemade gun; diy gun; improvised gun; gun; firearms...

amphibeous ak mag release
...ak, in case you are wrong handed, print on its side with a minimum of 20% infill...

14x1 (AK) Flash Can Long
...over flash can into 14x1 reverse thread flash can just for you my AK lovers ...

...ak trigger groups, binary trigger conversion parts, a full auto trigger group and a forced...

14x1 (AK) Flash Can Short (remixed)
...1/2x28 flash can into 14x1 reverse thread short flash can just for you AK lovers...

ak AKM 100 series handguard set for 3-d printing
...Ak 100 series handguards brought to you by kalashnikov prints...

(updated) ak mag release part 1
...ak mag release, you will have to download part 2 to have a complete part...

Catamount fury 12 gauge ak magwell (possibly works with saiga 12)
...Possibly Could be used for a Saiga 12? probably other 12 gauge ak varients aswell.

AK-12 Reference Model
...AK-12 (Russian: "Avtomat Kalashnikova, 2012" – GRAU index 6P70) is a Russian gas-operated assault...

AK-74 Assorted Drawings and Schematics
...Blueprints, drawings, and schematics for the AK-74...

...версии 2023 года.
+ внесенные изменения: Добавлена регулировка приклада по высоте демпфера.
LBRY Tags: ak-12; guns...

kp prints reupload - AK STOCK By : Vladimir Yurov
...ak stock made by Vladimir Yurov uploaded on grabcad.
It looks promising, i imagine it may work...

jts 12 gauge ak handguard set
...For the chinese JTS 12 gauge ak's ...

Kalashnikov prints - TPU Ak Buttpad
...TPU printable ak recoil buttpad. ...

KP prints - AK type 1 bayonet
...ak's someone else had 3-d modeled. maybe it will be useful to someone...