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Leber V2
Leber V2
AR15 FCG (Fire Control Group) based SP5 / SP5K Lower
--------Leber V2 Description--------
The Leber V2 is a AR15 fire control group lower

this is a simple print in place buffer tube plug for cmmg 22LR conversion kits, print threads up and use a quarter to install into buffer tower. DO NO

Grixxlys Starter Settings: Frame/Receiver
This is a blank 3mf with the settings I use to start my 2a frames and receivers.
Changes may need to be made depending on your specific project.

Winchester M1897 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The Winchester Model 1897, also known as the Model 97, M97, Riot Gun, or Trench Gun, is

Welrod MK2 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The Welrod is a British bolt-action, magazine-fed pistol with an integrated silencer tha

Walther PPK Reference Model
The Walther PP (German: Polizeipistole, or police pistol) series pistols are blowback-operated semi-automatic pistols, developed by the German arms ma

ČZ vz. 27 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The vz. 27 is a Czechoslovak semi-automatic pistol, based on the pistole vz. 24, and cha

VSS Vintorez Reference Model
The AS Val "Shaft" (Russian: АС «Вал»; Автома́т Специа́льный, romanized: Avtomát Spetsiálny "Val", lit. 'Special Automatic') and VSS Vintorez "Thread

SVT-40 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The SVT-40 (Russian: Самозарядная винтовка Токарева, образец 1940 года, romanized: Samoz

SVD Reference Model
The SVD (СВД; Russian: снайперская винтовка Драгунова, romanized: snayperskaya vintovka Dragunova, lit. 'Dragunov sniper rifle'), GRAU index 6V1, is a

Steyr M1916 Reference Model
Josef Nickl was one of the chief R&D designers at Mauser after the Federle brothers, and one of his pet projects was a rotating barrel military pistol

Lee–Enfield SMLE Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, and IGES File Format available.
The Lee–Enfield is a bolt-action, magazine-fed repeating rifle that served as the main firea

SIG SG 551 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The SG 551 carbine has a short pattern 363 mm (14.3 in) barrel, gas tube and piston comp

SIG MCX Reference model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The SIG MCX is a family of firearms designed and manufactured by SIG Sauer, produced in

Sharps 1874 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
Sharps rifles are a series of large-bore, single-shot, falling-block, breech-loading rif

FN SCAR-17 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The FN SCAR (SOF (Special Operations Forces) Combat Assault Rifle) is a family of gas-op

FN SCAR-16 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The FN SCAR (SOF (Special Operations Forces) Combat Assault Rifle) is a family of gas-op

Saiga-12 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, and IGES File Format available.
The Saiga-12 is a Russian semi-automatic shotgun that is based on the AK-47 rifle. It is kn

Ruger Precision Rifle Reference Model
The Ruger Precision Rifle (RPR) is a bolt-action rifle introduced by Sturm, Ruger & Co. on 17 July 2015. The Ruger Precision Rifle has a proprietary P

Ruger P95DC Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The Ruger P series is a line of centerfire semi-automatic pistols made by Sturm, Ruger &