Pay attention to releases marked as "Beta" -- you might get more than you bargained for

Experimental 19
...BTC donation address 3QE1kvedKH79Xr3wKZ7nT9hnt7h8LjKh3Q
Glock 19 with 10 new stipple patterns for open testing

Sike Arms Water Droplets
...Become Un-Treadable 3DPrint your own FREEDOM!
Sike Arms Remix, Takes PalmettoStateArmory Dagger Rails

TEST DD17 disposible can
...test .. and u no who u are...

Milglockee Unseenkiller PY2A
...Remixed an Unseenkiller G19 frame into a Milglockee. Enjoy!
Follow print orientations and print settings...

AB19X V2
...P80 Rails G19X
LBRY Tags: g19x; g19; atombomb; ab19x; ab19x v2...

FMDA G26 Railed Stippled - Remix
This is my Remix of the FMDA Railed G26 by Chairmanwon, adding some minor...

The O-Lit need an O-Lit for your glizzy bro
LBRY Tags: laser; olight; glock...

G17 ThumbChampion
...G17 Gen 3 17.2 rails, Picatinny thumbhole Glock that is too powerful for most mortal...

Mini 17
...BTC donations accepted at 3QE1kvedKH79Xr3wKZ7nT9hnt7h8LjKh3Q
17 slide on a 26 grip
This work is licensed...

...Slow, Deep, And Hard is the best album (this is the truth and you know...

...Printable glock 17 recoil spring rod
LBRY Tags: glock; 3d; 3d print...

9mm mag adaptor March_2020_Release
...In Feb of 2022 i found these files somewhere. I dont know who the designer...

Obtuse Mag Holder
...Holds a mag, at an angle.
Update 08-20-2024: Added blank STEP file for...

FMDA DD19.2 Hybrid AFT Guy & 'Lung Ejector'
...As requested from 2A printing FB Group, Right Side has "Lung Ejector" text & a dumbfounded...

White Castle Crave Case for Unseenkiller's UFG9
Original files linked above. This is just the case part of the...

...The cops tried to lock me down
'Cause the Glock they found was stolen

Graveyard glock 26
...skeletonized glock 26 that takes p80 rails. I give credit to ghostyoftheleaf and mussy the...

...History Channel The Band, 19 Gen 3 (19.2 rails)
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; sabaton; g19; glock...

glock 17 pins
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: glock 17 pins; pins; glock 17; glock...

Vermicelli 26
...Polymer80 Glock26 with vermicelli stipple. Uses Polymer80 rails
LBRY Tags: glock26; p80; polymer80; g26; glock...