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TOZ T03-99 Charging Handle
...Brother's broke, these work for a very very long time if you don't...

psg1 style ar-22 handguard
...this is a sidecharging ar22 handguard meant to pair with the ar22k/deARk sidecharging printed upper...

VectAR Mag Everytown CMMG Mod
...A mod for the Everytown CMMG 22lr Mag that fits unseen within the VectAR body...

Übertechnik Grip (AR-15)
...Übertechnik Grip (AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A grip that utilizes the palm pad on the Balance...

...this lower lets you make hoffmans orca into an glock mag AR9. i included the...

Upper,BarrelLug and Barrel combined for TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster
...All in 1 Upper, barrel lug and barrel. no need 4 epoxi no more.....

Poly66, An Remington Nylon 66, CBC66 and Nylon77 Printable Receiver
...This is a printable receiver for the Remington Nylon66
This file fits
• Nylon 66
• CBC...

Magazine Gripificator
...Printable AR style mag release, uses a normal mag release spring, one 30mm M3 hex...

SG22 modern ar22lr conversion magazine with side plate
...This is for anyone that wish to have a two tone look that you can...

Single Rib Basic Lower With U-Bolt
...This is an older community mod that was done to one of the legacy lower...

AK47 retainer plate
...Remixed AK47 retainer plate for AKSS
LBRY Tags: ak47; akss; retainer plate; trigger boss...

Super Lower SL-15 v4.8 - PSA Remix
...building/fanboy for PSA? love 3D2A? this says all of it! Credit to Hoffman for the...

AR15 Magazine Holder Wallmount
...This is a AR15 Magazine Holder that you can mount to a wall. Its comes...

FamAR Status Update 21 Nov 2022
...The current state of the FamAR.
Left to complete:
Front and rear adjustable sights

SY22_BETA_Take_2 Update
...The Second Round Of Files. Changes Have been Made This is one step closer to...

5.5in EZ22 barrel
...This barrel is a complete redesign of the EZ22 barrel, and is designed to be...

HD22 Carbine Buffer Tube
...This is a buffer tube for the HD 22 (originally designed by Plastic Blasters) which...

Cock Grip AFG Remix
...A remix on a classic afg I've seen everywhere. A little cock here, a...

HulkHoganHH Mac22 Blank Receiver
...Hulk Hogan's Mac22 Scrubbed Receiver
(Sorry ILY Hulk<3)
LBRY Tags: fosscad; foss; 22lr...

Hoff Tag
...This is Hoffman's basic lower receiver, modified to accept a standard dog tag during...