There are a surprising number of Christmas tree ornaments here

The Anarchy Grip - V1
...This AR grip was designed for people with larger hands, and was inspired by Unseenkiller...

Ruger Mk Series - TacSol Ejector Installation Tool
...I needed a tool to hold the Tactical Solutions Ejector in a Ruger MK Series...

Push P.L.A.'s 1022 AR-based Remix
...Push P.L.A.'s 1022 AR-based Remix
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; fosscad...

Harlet / Harlot V3 Barrel Suppressed
...Quick and dirty addition of the "Quiet Girl" integrated suppressor onto a V3 "Extendo" barrel...

...Enjoy the AR-22, a rails style AR utilizing a barrel liner and CMMG .22lr...

...Knurled charging handle knob. Uses 3 1/4-20 set screw. One 1/4" long and two others...

Night Raid AK Grip
...Night Raid AK Grip: Laffs
Semi-skeletonized AK grip. Has ridging on the lower section...

Tec22 mk2s ghetto blaster - Upper with rails.
...I did a remix of the upper with rails for the TEC22 mk2s ghetto blaster...

widebody harlot
...20% more thicc to house safety, adjustable trigger, option for proto barrel, DIY Steel reinforced...

Ruger LCP 2 22LR Magazine Extension Grip
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ruger; lcp; pistol; magazine; 22lr...

DIY .22 Revolver - professor parabellum
...his 22 revolver is based off of professor parabellums "DIY .22 Revolver Construction Plans". This...

WBK's AR-15 front charging handle extension 1.0
...Simple, but effective extension designed for BPAR-15, but it will work with even standard...

AS VAL Carbine Chassis for Ruger 10/22
...purchase the actual file direct from

StormBlooper Video
...Hey kids do you like Bump Stocks? Do you like Pistol Braces? What if I...

Harlot pistol brace
...Just some bullshit braces I cobbled together. Credit goes Pushin_PLA for the Harlot and...

hd22c stock folding
...No description provided for this release...

HG-1 (Biden's Bane)
...HG-1 (Biden's Bane): Laffs Dynamics
First Laffs Dynamics handguard design for the Biden...

A.S.S. Super Safety V4.4
...0-pos "Always Super Safe" cam, Because who has time to select modes?

10/22 Charger Pistol Frame
...My first draft of a 10/22 charger pistol stock. Needs beta testing. feedback appreciated....

Charlie's Castrated Custom Pistol Grip
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ar-15; pistol grip; penis...