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...dice tower...

not a retards guide to P-series rails
...not a retards guide to P-series rails in the Recession Ruger...

RR_Hexplosion Pistol Stand
...UPDATED-Recession Ruger (OG) version of DB's pistol stand...

likkerandhoors printable meme
...No description provided for this release...

...Remix of CtrlPew's brace hook to fit AR Pistol Tubes. Original package is avail...

M&P remix
...My Remix of Wunder9's M&P frame. Please refer to The Gatalog release for...

...A gently remixed and repaired AWCY? Five Seven frame...

The People's Ruger, Ruger P95 Internal Geometry Slug
...internal frame geometry.
Based off of The People's Ruger by Prints.And.The.Revolution:

Worker Stock Pic Rail Adapter
Original work can be found at https://odysee.com/@Prints.and.the.Revolution:c/workerstockadapter_pic-rail-v2:9
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; nerf...