You can exclude a phrase by using the minus sign: -"bad thing"

ArmaSpec Brace
...This replaces the stock piece of the ArmaSpec XPDW system. It uses the original guide...

Edgar Sherman Angled Foregrip Clone M-LOK
...Edgar Sherman Angled Foregrip Clone M-LOK
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 220C

Dirtboy .22LR Suppressor
...A 3D printed .22LR suppressor inspired by the Dead Air Sandman-S
If you have...

BLC AR Grips
...A small collection of AR Grips designed originally by MadMax, and Void3dprinting. Stippled by Moderator...

Straight Folding Brace Arm V1
...Wanted a nice and sleek, yet sturdy brace design, so I took MostlyPeacefulMachineShop's AB8R...

FBS-1 (Fixed Buttstock Model 1) (Yugo M70)
...FBS-1 (Yugo M70): Laffs
Clubfoot styled straight buttstock for Yugoslav/Serbian fixed stock type M70s...

M-Lok Angled Foregrip AFG V2 for Slim Handguard
...EDIT, Jan 29, 2023: Ooops! Uploaded new ZIP file with STL, 3MF, STEP and README...

DB Alloy A3/MCXISH Folding Stock
...Mashup of several different things to get something in particular.
Credit to @Altpersonalitty for the...

AB UL Fixed Stock v4.2
...This ar15 stock design is intended for mil-spec carbine buffer tubes. I was in...

Rough Cut Grip Panels (Beretta 92FS)
...Rough Cut Grip Panels (Beretta 92FS): Laffs
Grip panels for the Beretta 92FS pistols with...

FTN3 Dedicated 556 KAK Knockoff
...Remixed the FTN3 dedicated 556 so it'll fit the knockoff version of the KAK...

22 FTN.4 Remix STL
... This is the STL for those of you wanting to print with something other than...

...No description provided for this release...

FTN.4 EZ beta file
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: c:unlisted...

G26 with TLR6 holster and attachable mag holster
...G26/TLR6 holster with mag sidecar ...

those goddamn sights FIXED
...This is a better version of the same sights I posted step files of a...

The Donglet
...when I was learning how to stipple I said "I will make anything into a...

Typewriter M-Lok AFG
...Typewriter M-Lok AFG: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
An M-Lok angled foregrip, similar size and overall geometry...

...No description provided for this release...

Taurus curve rear sight
...Taurus curve pop in rear sight, once installed removing it will result in it breaking...