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NAG22 step assembly
...NAG22 step assembly to be updated with further improvements (missing srings and screws parts). Thanks...

...MY REMIX OF THE SHNITZEL. JUST A G19 WITH A 26 GRIP takes dd.2 rails...

P80 4 Hole Jig Pf940C
...Designed a 4 hole jig for the P80/76. The original didn't have the front...

FMDA DD17.2 v5.1 (G17 Gen 3)
...The original version was designed by FMDA. I have updated it to fix a few...

Spyder Brick26
...POLYMER80 Spyder Brick26
Brick26 New Ergos and Grips.
>Cant Stop The...

26X Pic Rail
...Yes I know the thumbnail is wrong
BTC donations accepted at 3QE1kvedKH79Xr3wKZ7nT9hnt7h8LjKh3Q
This work is...

Halo Glock Automag by Narly117
...The Glock 19 Halo themed Automag with handguard designed by Narly117.
This is a remix...

PP43X: Printable Glock 43X
...The PP43X is a 3D printable Glock G43X compatible receiver. To build a functional model...

19 V1
...If you would like to support my work, BTC donations accepted at 3QE1kvedKH79Xr3wKZ7nT9hnt7h8LjKh3Q
The Chairmanwon...

Tactically Broke Tissue box
...(Prototype, never had time to print)
Made to fits a Glock 19 no attachments at...

1911 Foregrip Files
...Remix foregrip with Glock mag holder. Due to the length, the mag will protrude some...

...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: not-a-glock; fosscad; 3d2a; ju5t3nc4s3; nag22...

Makita UFG-9
...Remix of Unseemkillers UFG-9
LBRY Tags: ufg9; makita; fmg; 3d; g19...

Chimera 19 remix
...Chimera 19 Remix - Mash up of 3 different G19 designs (FMDA 19.2 rails)
LBRY Tags...

Mini 19
...BTC donations accepted at 3QE1kvedKH79Xr3wKZ7nT9hnt7h8LjKh3Q
19 slide on a 26 grip
This work is licensed...

DD.2 G17 Gen3
...No description provided for this release...

SpaceBound Tactical Pistol Stands
...3D Print your own freedom.
SpaceBoundTactical Custom Glock Stands
Glock Stand for a G19, G17...

Yah3D PEE80 DD19.2 Frame - Gen5 Spring, V1, No Texture BETA RELEASE
...Beta release of the PEE80 "Poly 80" type frame for G19. Uses Gen5 spring for...

FMDA DD19x.2 V1.3 Frame Confederate v3
...Confederate flag stippled on a G19.2x frame
LBRY Tags: g19.2x; confederate flag; rebel; swag...

NNP80 V4 Package 1.2
...POLYMER80 NNP80v4 Stipple Package 1.2 w 5 different stipples and microtexture.