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Printable Fixed M4 Carry Handle
...Printable M4 Style fixed Carry handle, enjoy...

Glorca Mod
...**This is for novelty purposes only and is not intended for self defense or your...

D3D Mac22 BETA
...Here is our most current improved parts for the HH Mac22. It is still a...

Double Schnitzel "Halo" V1
...Here is a remix of my Double Schnitzel remix which incorporates a rear mounting rail...

Improved SVTR Mag Catch
...After my own, and other's having issues with magazine retention on the SVTR, I...

D3D Loudencer 1/2 and 5/8
...Just something I threw together a while back that I keep getting requests for files...

2A Print Depot Display Tag
...2A Print Depot display piece...

SAG19S Front Center Enhanced
...SCSM SAG19S FDMA frame. This new design features a forward finger hook for the supporting...

Orca V5.3 P-40 Remix
...Scsm for the D3D Killer Whale remix
LBRY Tags: 3d printed; ar-15; hoffman tactical...

P-RF/44OT Beta
...SCSM-Desert3d. as he's helped ALOT with this project.
LBRY Tags: 10/22; 11/22; prf44...