The big string in the detail page's URL is the LBRY claim ID

M203 TM
...This is the TM for the U.S. M203. From 1984. Still younger than Mitch McConnell...

GUNS Magazine October 2001
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: firearms; fudd; guns; magazine; weapons...

GUNS Magazine November 2001
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: firearms; weapons; fudd; guns; magazine...

Old American Handgunner Magazines
...Old American Handgunner Magazines
LBRY Tags: handgun; firearm; magazine; american handgunner...

Complete Book of Flash Powder
...This is a guidebook on flash powder. Flash powder can hurt you if you are...

Encyclopedia of Modern Military Weapons
...Cool info on weapons.
LBRY Tags: military; weapons; firearms; encyclopedia...

AR10 Files from the internet
...AR10 Files found on the internet.
LBRY Tags: ar10; firearm; firearms; gun; guns...

GUNS Magazine 2001 Combat Annual
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: magazine; guns; firearms; combat...

Ruger P95 Diagram
...Ruger P95 Diagram with parts list.
LBRY Tags: ruger; p95; firearms; maintenance; gunsmithing...

Smith and Wesson Semi Automatic Maintenance Manual
...An older Smith and Wesson Semi Automatic Maintenance Manual.
LBRY Tags: smith and wesson; guns...

Winchester Service Notes
...Winchester Shop Notes from some boomer (or pre boomer).
LBRY Tags: firearms; gunsmith; winchester; weapons...

GUNS Magazine January 2002
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: firearms; weapons; fudd; guns; magazine...

Wooden Gun Rack Simple Plan
...This is a simple wooden gun rack diagram.
LBRY Tags: firearms; guns; storage...

The Modern Gunsmith by Howe- 1941
...This is a 1941 title about gunsmithing.
LBRY Tags: howe; gunsmith; modern gunsmith; book; firearms...

Cosmoline Removal
...This is a few PDFs from the old website on how to use low...

Shooting To Live
...A Paladin Press book scan of "Shooting to Live"
LBRY Tags: guns; shooting; firearms; paladin...

GUNS Magazine March 2001
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: guns; magazine; fudd; weapons; firearms...

GUNS Magazine July 2002
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: weapons; firearms; fudd; guns; magazine...

GUNS Magazine 2002 Annual
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: firearms; weapons; guns; magazine; fudd...

GUNS Magazine December 2002
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: firearms; weapons; fudd; guns; magazine...