Sometimes the site indexes content that's since been hidden. There's no way to prune it out, sorry :(

SIG MCX Reference model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The SIG MCX is a...

MK2 Sten Reference Model
...MK2 Sten Reference Model, Unknown Developer, files available in IGS, STEP, and Solidworks...

PP-90 Machine Pistol
...PP-90 SMG, STEP Format only, Developed by Anatoli Metzger...

AS Val Reference Model
...AS Val Reference Model, STEP Format, Developed by Anatoli Metzger...

PKM Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The PK (Russian: Пулемёт Калашникова...

M1981 Mosin Nagant Reference Model
...The Mosin–Nagant is a five-shot, bolt-action, internal magazine–fed military rifle. Known...

Desert Eagle 44 Reference Model
...IGES, and STEP File Format, Unknown Developer
The Desert Eagle or "Deagle" is a single...

...Full Blueprint of the M1 Garand...

Remington 870 MCS Masterkey Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The Remington 870 was the...

Unseenkiller - Rook Telescoping Stock and Brace Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

Master files Drawings Boats
...Master files Drawings 🔥
LBRY Tags: blueprint; drawings; files; master; master files drawings...

M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package
...M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package...

Blueprints Guitars
...Blueprint Guitar
LBRY Tags: blueprint guitar; guitar; blueprint; plan; blue...

Uzi Receiver Technical Drawings (schematics, blueprint, dimensions)
...These are gif images containing the blueprints for an Uzi Receiver. I'm posting this...

Fully Semi Auto A2 Disconnector Devpack
...Based on a M16A1 fcg reference from the gatalog, this is intended to be a...

AIM-1 Laser Aiming Light Info Package
...A collection of images, documentation, and CAD files on the AIM-1 series of lasers...

SECO Laserscope Model FA-14 Info Package
...A collection of images, documentation, and CAD files on the FA-14 laser.
LBRY Tags...

HK MR556 Technical Data Package
...HK MR556 Technical Data Package...

AR15 De-Safety
...With this work plan and a competent machinist, you can modify an existing AR15 safety...

M4 Survival Rifle Technical Data Package
...M4 Survival Rifle Technical Data Package...