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GUNS Magazine June 2002
...No description provided for this release...

Ruger magazine disconnect defeat spacers
...For removal of the factory mag disconnect....

XD Series magazine catch
...This is a quick mag catch I whipped up, since these parts kits often ship...

HS PRODUKT H11 magazine base pad
...mag base pad for 3dprint
LBRY Tags: comedy...

AR15 75rd Drum Magazine
...This mag has not been printed or tested by me just found it buried deep...

GUNS Magazine April 2003
...No description provided for this release...

HSTS / FGC-9 (MKI / MKII) UNW Magazine Catch Bar
...this edition has no extra function this is just for the looks.
E4 feels a...

CMMG/Ceiner and other .22 AR magazine compatible PMAG G3 geometry with LRBHO V2
...V2 of the Crayon follower with some significant improvements. Mag can be loaded on a...

TX22 16 and 18 round magazine
...A collection of functional TX22 mags I've gathered. After messing with these for over...

Lil Piglet Magazine Buttstock V3 Latch Assortment Kit
...This is an addon kit for the v3 mag stock.
There is a set of...

XMSRR Extended Magazine
...Holds roughly 15 rounds. You're on your own for springs....

UMP 45 magazine
...Uses either glock 30 rd spring or colt smg spring....

Db alloy sten magazine loader
...I couldnt really find any loaders for the DB alloy sten mags so i made...

Sten Magazine Lower Receiver
...original db9 sten version lower with the front insert added to it so its all...

p320 magazine+3 plate
...none needed
LBRY Tags: baseplate; 2011-g3baseplate; 2-3mbaseplate; g3...

Curved Sten Mag Remix :
and here :
LBRY Tags: 2a3d; gun; mag; magazine; sten...

T-mags for Glock v1
...magazine is based on the T-Mag M&P magazine with an improved follower and a sleek...

Stick n Poke Mag Release Extension
...Releasing larger extended paddles shortly for smaller hands.
LBRY Tags: ar; fosscad; mag; magazine; ar15...

redesign of freeman1337-everytown-cmmg-22lr-mag-25round
LBRY Tags: 22lr; ar-15; cmmg; magazine...

DMB Glock Small Frame Mags
...The official release of the DMB42, DMB43, and DMB43X Mags.
LBRY Tags: dmb; 43; 42...