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UnseenKiller's DNL MaelstromG17/G17L remix
...Unseenkiller's Remix of the DNL Maelstrom 17 & 17L
Improvements/Updates include:
- Relocated optic mount
- Brace...

Tec-9 Tac Pac(k)
...3d printable rails for the tec9 family of firearms. Use m3 threaded heat-set inserts...

Push-Y2A G17 ASPY Remix
...Push-Y2A G17 ASPY Remix with included Mag holder
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; art; g17...

FMDA DD19x.2 DigitalNimbusLabs 19x AA Mod
...Modified Digital Nimbus stipple with vanilla fore end.
Remixed from https://open.lbry.com/@DigitalNimbusLabs:b/digital_nimbus_labs_dd19.2:a
LBRY Tags...

BrokenBullets Strike60rev40 19x Mod by ApparitionArms DD19x.2
...Modified the Broken Bullets JSD strike60rev40 Glock 19 https://odysee.com/@BrokenBullets:9/jsd-rev:c to 19x using Blender...

XD1933 BHive Package
...XD1933 Polymer80 BHive Package
Comes with 3 different similar stipples.

MP5A3 Sliding Brace - Daikon x Dogenado
...Which Way Western Man??
Stay legal and avoid those pesky tax stamps with the brace...

...Super Safe remix of the DB9 SLIM (OPEN BETA)
LBRY Tags: db9; db9 slim; super...

AWCY? Presents- The MP5 Mag v1.0
...MP5 Mags
you'll get a better description when you fucking earn one.
LBRY Tags...

Unseenkiller - Blawp 19
...No Odysee content descriptions will be given.
No Odysee comments will be monitored.
Please read...

Space Dog Industries Crusher PDW
...This is the Official Release of the Crusher PDW. Once more but same as before...

Pill Pusher - 9mm Linear Compensator
...The Pill Pusher is a printable linear compensator. This means it directs the blast and...

FMDA GAB-10 RMR and RMSc Mount Adapters
...Mounting adapters for RMR and RMSc/Shield footprint red dot on the FMDA 3D Printed Tec...

FGC-9 Bufferless
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: fgc9; fgc9mk2; fgc9bufferless; weapons...

Chimera 19 remix
...Chimera 19 Remix - Mash up of 3 different G19 designs (FMDA 19.2 rails)
LBRY Tags...

Pickle Rick SHHHH
...I just took @StolenboiStudios:8 reinforced Dragon Roll and stuffed it up Rick's arse...

...Competition/Race frame version of CHAIRMANWONS 19x. has a red dot rail(by ngray1519) and a...

Milwaukee Db Alloy
...Special request from a 2apd member. The Milwaukee DB Alloy. This is the Glock mag...

sumac rail for the mussy/daikon MP5 brace
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: sumac; awcy; guncad...

PP 43X Special Editions
...PP 43X Special Editions
This release contains DD43.1 43X/48 models that are more on the...