There's an API link at the bottom if you want to poke around

AN-94 Reference Model
...model of 1994, after its chief designer Gennadiy Nikonov, who previously worked on the Nikonov...

SVT-40 Reference Model
...model of 1940') is a Soviet semi-automatic battle rifle that saw widespread service during...

AS Val Reference Model
...AS Val Reference Model, STEP Format, Developed by Anatoli Metzger ...

RMC Rumac Official 4.20 Build
...Its a Love affair between a Poison Sumac & A 10/22 , Uses a Home made or...

Lever Unlocking NT79 Reinforced KRRAWN Remix
...Lever Unlocking Version of KRRAWNS Reinforced NT79 Receiver,
Thank you to , KRRAWN, IL_100, and...

Ar22WMR AR17HMR 15rnd Straight Wall Mag
...15 round straight mag. Like the Black dog machine mag but better...

Russian M1870 Galand Revolver Reference Model
...model was manufactured both in Liège and in Birmingham, England by the British arms firm...

AK-74 Reference Model
...model, STEP and STLs available, Unknown Dev
The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года...

M1928A1 Thompson Reference Model
...M1928A1 Thompson Reference Model Stick and Drum Mags Modeled \, STEP Format only, Unknown Dev...

Colt M1878 Reference Model
...Model 1878 revolvers were manufactured, including 4,600 for the US Ordnance Department. These are known...

Colt 1851 Navy Reference Model
...model), is a .36 caliber, six-round cap and ball revolver that was designed by Samuel...

Chamelot-Delvigne MAS1873 Reference Model
...model 1873 Chamelot-Delvigne was the first double-action revolver used by the French Army...

M107 Barrett 50 Cal Refererence Model
...models, the bullpup M82A2 model, and the Barrett M107A1, with an attached muzzle brake (designed...

Mannlicher 1901 Carbine Reference Model
...Model 1896 pistol, Ferdinand Mannlicher made an effort to improve the ballistics of his pistols...

C8A2 Reference Model
...Model 723 M16A2 carbine. Colt made the initial C8s for Canadian Forces as the Colt...

Chauchat Reference Model
...Modele 1915 CSRG" ("Machine Rifle Model 1915 CSRG"). Beginning in June 1916, it was placed...

CZ 452-2E ZKM Carbine Reference Model
...model thank you for your hard work!
The CZ 452, also known as BRNO Model...

Harlet V3 STEP
...model, better ergonomics, and increased reliability with the latch and V2 Hammer.
"Whether you’re a beginner...

Quiet Girl STEP
...model, better ergonomics, and increased reliability with the latch and V2 Hammer.
"Whether you’re a beginner...

Winchester M1897 Reference Model
...Model 1897, also known as the Model 97, M97, Riot Gun, or Trench Gun, is a pump...