Pay attention to releases marked as "Beta" -- you might get more than you bargained for

Schnitzel g19 v1.5 Unseen Killer Mod
...You're familiar with Schnitzel? Well, this is a step up. Grandma's recipe but...

Mod9 V2 SB FRT
...Files for Mod9 V2 SB FRT Documentation not done
LBRY Tags: mod9; 3d2a; 3d printed...

FUBAR-19 / FUBAR-17 / FU19X / 8bit FMDA19.2
...The FUBAR-19 is a 3D printable handgun receiver for use with Glock 19 Gen3...

The Can-Can - Put a can on your MAC11!
...The Can-Can is a 3D Printable direct-thread muzzle device for 1/2x28 threaded MAC11...

PPDS Ghoulster - 3d printable holster for FMDA 17/19/26 etc
...PPDS Ghoulster = PP Double Stack Glock Holster
This is a model for a 3d printable...

Digital Nimbus Labs Invader G19/19x v1.0.0
...The Invader PDW G19 is a 3D Printed, Glock-compatible, FMDA DD19.2 based PDW platform...

...This is the Civilized Defense remix of Deterrence Dispense's DD19.2, adding the following features...

Paragon Pocket 19
...The Paragon Pocket-19 PDW - A Remix Kit of @unseenkiller:d Paragon G19
LBRY Tags...

Poor Mans MP5
...AR9 lower that uses modified printed Sten mags
LBRY Tags: ar9; lower; sten...

B&T G19 FMDA Remix
...Remixed F.M.D.A. DD19.2 Glock 19 Frame into a B&T USW Platform. Frame Parts on...

amazon fgc beta 1.2
...fgc 9 using a 123 machinist block for a bolt. open beta 1.2
LBRY Tags...

Pushin Invader Mav G19 remix
...Pushin Invade Mav G19 Remix - By Pushin P.L.A. a remix of the Digital Nimbus Invader...

TL320 (P320) Magazine Beta 1.2.1
...Beta 1 for thick-lipped 3D print magazine for Sig Sauer P320 using different feed...

Ol’ Reliable - Glock19 frame
...This set of stippled STLs is based on the FMDA DD19.2. It keeps many of...

Super Safe SF5 V1
...SF5 / KF5 / MP5 Super Safety adapter, This is a open beta, at this moment the...

FNH FNS 9/40 ReigningBrass Remix - Long Slide
...Updates from eng87's frame include: shortened trigger pull, thumb rest, updated stippling with integrated...

Yah3D P320 FCU Frame
...100% Accurate P320 FCU Frame STEP
LBRY Tags: 2a; 3dprint; 3dprinting; p320...

DD.43x Strike Industries Coversion [Neutron Nick]
...Takes standard DD43.x rails, test fired successfully!
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; fosscad; guns; g43...

DD.2 G19 Gen3
...No description provided for this release...

FGC-9 MK1 RIP Edition v1.1
...RIP JStark1809 you will not be forgotten ...