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...ar9 with printed bufferless bolt
LBRY Tags: ar9...

37mm rifled ammo pack redid 37mm rifeled assortment of different rounds .based of the ammo pack in the...

...4.5inch 1/16 rod..2.5inch 10/24 screw ..small springs for bufferless option ..firing pin...

...this is bambu or orca compatible only...files ar not useable untill slicing
LBRY Tags...

...this is for the 4.5 ar9 barrel with a m5 barrel nut..4x m3x20 2x...

...this is a modified firebolt plate style frame ..i modified as one of my ar...

...requires a m3 bolt and lock nut and an ar mag spring
LBRY Tags: pdw...

Untitled bi12 version 1 build no mags for ar15 12ga prototype
...this is a some what instruction guide most parts used in version 2
LBRY Tags...

ar9 bolt pusher
...this is a covversion peace so you can use a buffertube instead of the bufferless...

gu37 conversion bolt for the skully and bi-pdw
...this is a redesigned bolt to fit the skully and bi-pdw
LBRY Tags: gu37...

m84 grab clips
...this is for easy access th your m84 clip in and out and velcro to...

...requires a 1 1/8 1/4x20 u-bolt
LBRY Tags: ar; lower...

...its a shorty handgaurd ..requires 2 m4x45 bolts and 2 m4 lock nuts has m...

sd9 sd40ve
...this thakes the sd9 lower parts kit and front rail..but will take the sw40ve...

...this is a beefed up sig style folding stock for my pdw line
LBRY Tags...

...this replaces the fixed stock on the baby barret so that you can run an...

.v2 handgaurd
...this is a handgaurd for ar9 with a 4.5inch barrel with the hushhush9 suppressior...

...holds 2 glock19 magazines
LBRY Tags: g19 mah holster...

bi12 version 2 reciver build p1
...the reciver slevee build
LBRY Tags: bi12...

skeletonized proto barrel for universal 22lr kit
...been asked about proto barrel for my 22lr bolt kit so here you g0