This search is not case-sensitive, don't worry about it

Machinegun Madness Desktop Wallpapers
...Comes with ultrawide as well as regular aspect ratio versions, as well as dark mode...

MR07 Approximation .STEP
...This is a step file of a Surefire MR07 that is suitable for quick pics...

Yankee Boogle Blueprint
...A dimensioned drawing of the Yankee Boogle to ensure proliferation in multiple formats and increase...

Desktop Ornament Luty
...STEP files for all the parts of a Luty scaled down to be desktop ornament...

Uzi Receiver Blueprint
...This is a redrawing of old publicly available scans, so that now, all information is...

LaFrance Rear-Front Sight Insert
...A recreation of the iconic LaFrance M16K rear-front sight. Has a hole for M3...

Nydar Model + Weaver Mount
...This file will allow you to create your own mounts for a Nydar reflex sight...

M57 Electrical Firing Device "Clacker" Model
...This is a (mostly) dimensionally accurate 3d model in .sldprt and .step format of the...

Crime Guns - 21:9 Ultrawide Desktop Wallpaper
...This art piece was an exploration into the public perception of "Crime Guns" and the...

Tec-9 Tac Pac(k)
...3d printable rails for the tec9 family of firearms. Use m3 threaded heat-set inserts...

Colt ACR Stock
...This is a clone of the Colt ACR stock. It is not dimensionally accurate, but...

.50 BMG Ratshot Files
...All files used to make my famous 50 BMG Ratshot meme. Includes guide to making...

Imatronic LS45 STEP File
...A 3d file of the iconic laser. Measured w/ calipers.
LBRY Tags: laser; retro; step...

Trilux SUIT Mounts (Carry Handle & QRP)
...CAD files and documentation on mounts for the Trilux SUIT scope that I modeled and...

Beretta Bro Summer Wallpaper
...A desktop wallpaper themed around various lights and lasers that can be mounted to the...

SECO Laserscope Model FA-14 Info Package
...A collection of images, documentation, and CAD files on the FA-14 laser.
LBRY Tags...

40mm RIP Round .STEP File
...The STEP file I used to make my 40mm RIP Round meme.
LBRY Tags: 40mm...

Cutaway M203, 80% Scale
...3D files to create your own desktop ornament version of the M203 showing the internals...

AIM-1 Laser Aiming Light Info Package
...A collection of images, documentation, and CAD files on the AIM-1 series of lasers...

Retro Accessories Wallpaper Package
...A wallpaper package including various sizes, variants, and aspect ratios of a desktop wallpaper I...