There's an API link at the bottom if you want to poke around

Frames & Receivers Archive
...No description provided for this release...

Magazines & Accessories Archive
...No description provided for this release...

Photon Archive
In this zip you can find:
ClampChamp PreRelease V1
M&M Core
Casting Guide...

50rd 9mm Stackable Storage Box
...Remix of @FFFTech:3 's 9x19 NATO Ammo Boxes (50rd version only). Makes them more...

20rd 7.62x39 Stackable Storage Box
...Remix of @FFFTech:3 's 7.62x39 Ammo Boxes (20rd version only). Makes them more...

Rouge Nation Eternal Militia Handbook
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: defiance; free speech; freedom; guns; ebook...

P**sy Destroying Flame Torch by APT1
...archives at :
LBRY Tags: 3d printable; 3d printable flamethrower; apt1; deterrence dispensed archive; flamethrower...

Forhand Glock Mag Holder Grip by LordNPM
...archives at :
LBRY Tags: glock; 3d printing; dda; guns; 3d printed guns...

AR7 Scout by HulkHoganHH
...meant for beginners, consult any build tutorials.
LBRY Tags: ar7; hulkhoganhh; 3d guns; guns; the archive...

Galileo Triangle Brace for Bento Box remixed by Monzuth Angel and Rx710
...Browse our archives at :
LBRY Tags: 3d printed guns; 3d printing; guns...

Halo Glock Automag by Narly117
...Browse our archives at :
LBRY Tags: 3d printed guns; firearms; glock; guns; halo...

Halo SMG Boolibrace remixed by Narly117
And Browse our archives at :
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; halo...

Assassination Politics - Jim Bell
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: free speech; freedom; politics; jim bell; ebook...

M202 Flash Archived Files
...Archiving the M202 Flash Files for academic study, NOTE: Printing out the firearm and Installing...

Frankenfaust 3 Archived Files
...Archiving the Frankenfaust Files for academic study, NOTE: Printing out the firearm and Installing 44mm...

Fliegerfaust Archived Files
...Archiving the Fliegerfaust Files for academic study, NOTE: Printing out the firearm and Installing 20mm...

Expedient Hand Grenades - Dmitrieff
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: grenades; guns; freedom; free speech; ebook...

Scarlot V0.9 - EZ22 Charging Handle
...Alternate charging handle for the Scarlot V0.9, put together in like 5 minutes with blender...

Homemade C-4, New and Improved C-4 - Ragnar Benson
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: diy; homemade; c4; guns; ebook...

Expedient Homemade Shotgun Ammo - P.A Luty
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ammo; diy; freedom; guns; luty...