If you schedule your files for release a day or so in advance, we can index them ahead of time

Ak Pistol
...A PDF on how to make a pistol caliber AK
LBRY Tags: homemade gun; diy...

...IRA PRIG Rocket Launcher
LBRY Tags: ira; prig; troubles; homemade; rpg...

The Tip of The Spear U.S. Army Small Unit Action in Iraq, 2004-2007 (Center
LBRY Tags: gwot; war on terror; iraq war; war; us army...

The crusade against heretics in Bohemia, 1418-1437 sources and documents for the Hussite crusades
...Another book about the Hussites of Bohemia.
LBRY Tags: medieval; history; bohemia; zizka; war...

...Professor Parabellum vol.9
LBRY Tags: professor parabellum; homemade gun; borz; gun; chechen war...

San Diego Police Deparment Annual Military Equipment Report
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: police; report; pdf; military; gun...

Practical Scrap Metal Small Arms Vol.04-The Khyber Pass Pistol
...How to make a single shot break action pistol.
LBRY Tags: homemade gun; improvised gun...

Ken Schultzs Field Guide to Freshwater Fish (Ken Schultz)
LBRY Tags: fish; fishing; outdoors; freshwater fish; wildlife...

House to House
...An account of the battle of Fallujah 2004.
LBRY Tags: iraq war; war on terror...

Sacramento Police Department Annual Military Equipment Use Report
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: police; report; pdf...

(Russian) Accelerated tactical training
...A 2022 Russian manual on accelerated training for soldiers.
LBRY Tags: ukraine war; russian military...

A Companion to the Hussites Brills Companions to the Christian Tradition, Volume 90 Michael Van
...Book on the history of the Hussites, a Bohemian proto-protestent group.
LBRY Tags: history...

(Ukrainian) CLOSE COMBAT - 2022
...A Ukrainian close combat manual 2022.
LBRY Tags: ukraine war; ukrainian army; war; military manual...

How to Squat In Chicago
...A guide on squatting in Chicago.
LBRY Tags: squatting; squat; chicago; diy...

(Greek) EE 7-200 Hellenic Infantry Combat Manual
...Greek Combat Manual
LBRY Tags: greek military; greece; military manual; war; military doctrine...

Russian Army Medical Manual
...A Russian manual on how to treat combat injuries
LBRY Tags: ukraine; russia; war; military...

Build a Catapult in Your Backyard-Loompanics Unlimited (2001) (Bill Wilson)
...Book on how to build a catapult.
LBRY Tags: loompanics; catapult; how to build a...

Special Operations in the Age of Chivalry, 1100-1550 (Yuval Noah Harari) (z-lib.org)
LBRY Tags: medieval; history; book; medieval history; war...

Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds Complete
...A book about chickens.
LBRY Tags: chicken; poultry; animals; bird; book...

The Basics of Chemistry (Richard L. Myers)
LBRY Tags: chemistry; science; chemicals...