People name their projects after really weird stuff sometimes

...Clean CAD remix of the Recession Ruger by UnseenKiller with the Ambi Release...

Glock & Wesson (Return of the Sigma)
...Glock and Wesson modification guide. (open testing, hit me with some feedback if you mod...

Bidens Bane AR47 no FA no FRT
...A Biden's Bane Printable AR47 Upper Receiver ...

Pineapple Foregrip
...Pineapple Foregrip for the OOB bois...

PATR_-_Handguard V1
...Patriot Handguard (with and without gas tube) Biden's Bane style...

...a remix of the original FMDA Ruger SR9
LBRY Tags: cantstopthesignal; thegatalog; ctrlpew; sr9...

...Version of the Bidens Bane that uses 2mm stock for anti-shear...

...Remix frame for the SAR Arms BP6
LBRY Tags: cantstopthesignal; ctrlpew; shallnotbeinfringed...

...A UBAR FA Low Shelf texture pack. ...

ruger ready dot mount P series
...A printable Ruger Ready Dot mount for P-series Ruger Pistols...

...The Latest Rogue-9 update...

SR9_SR40_E9 Ruger logo
...SR9_SR40_E9 Ruger logo...

TPR with the Ruger logos
...The Peoples Ruger with the Ruger logo...

...This is my Fallout Blaster based on the V1 Recession Ruger. Enjoy!...

Recession Ruger OEM magazine
...Recession Ruger that takes OEM Ruger magazines...

Budget Pistol Sturm Ruger 9mm
...A SR9/SR40/9E remix of Unseenkillers Black Pawn Glonk frame...

The Peoples Ruger (update)
...Updated to support slides made in CT and fixed the pic rail...

...The Obsidian package from the Freedom Company Dev Team...

SD9 remix with a couple of simple texture sections-by request
...No description provided for this release...

...The Black Pawn G17 grip-tape texture remix...