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CNC-Capable Super Safety
...This is intended to be a CNC-capable variant of Tim Hoffman's Super Safety...

Mini 14 Atlis + EBR Stock
...Mini 14 Atlis + EBR Stock
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; ebr; mini14; stock...

Instagram: @ghostofebenezermudgett
LBRY Tags: ruger mk4; ruger mkiv; 3d print; pewpew; guncad...

1022 Dual Action Magazine Release
...Dual action magazine release for the Ruger 10/22
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; 1022; ruger; magrelease...

1022 Rotary Safety
...Rotary Safety for the Ruger 10/22
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; 1022; ruger; safety...

Duplex Folder V1.2
...with a one-handed mechanism. No more pins needed.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; picatinny; stock; brace; art...

DB Perfect 10-22 Receiver Mod, Marlin 60 Barrel
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: pewpew; art; 1022; marlin60; receiver...

1022 Skeletonized Magazine Release
...Skeletonized magazine release for the Ruger 10/22
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; ruger; 1022; magrelease...

Wushu Grip
...12° AR Grip
LBRY Tags: pewpew; grip; ar; art...

Obtuse Mag Holder V320
...Clamp" near the bolt to help prevent cracking.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; p320; grip; magazine; picatinny...

P320 Micro Carbine
...Micro Carbine Grip for the P320
LBRY Tags: pewpew; p320; art; grip; sig...

Paragon 17
...remix of a remix, now for the 17.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; glock; g17; frame; art...

Thompson with a side of MacNCheese
...Thompson furniture for a MacNCheese and/or AR
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; thompson...

ump119 remixed lower - Copy
LBRY Tags: ump9; 3dprinting; fosscad; 2a; pewpew...

Pic-2-ARPistolGrip Adapter
...added a 0° option, does not work with beavertails.
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; grip; argrip; picatinny...

Ruger Single Six "Space-Six"
...Single-Six chambered in .22
No additional hardware required to mount.
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; revolver...

Telescoping Square Rail Stock
...Telescoping Stock using rectangular bar stock
LBRY Tags: pewpew; stock; brace; scorpion; telescopic...

Pic-2-MLOK Adapter
...MLOK Adapter.
1, 2, or 3 slot options available.
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; mlok; picatinny...

MP.5K ForeGrips
...based off the original H&K MP5K prototype.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; art; grips; mp5; foregrip...

Modular MLOK Handstop Kit
...files so feel free to
modify at your leisure.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; art; handstop; grips; foregrip...