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Shadow Grips
...Shadow Ar Grips
Original model by @m1industries:f based on the @db-firearms:4 DB...

Milglockee Unseenkiller PY2A
...Remixed an Unseenkiller G19 frame into a Milglockee. Enjoy!
Follow print orientations and print settings...

Sudy Folder V4 "Little Booty Sudy"
...Credit to Charlie Brown for his original folder. I just added a little finesse. I...

M12 G43 Baseplate
...Baseplate for my 43X Milglockee frame. Community request. Pre-colored 3mf included.
**UPDATE 1/5/2025

Milglockee 43X
...Credit to @phil_phisher for his remix of the @BrokenBulletz Strike frame and for the...

Milwaukee Db Alloy
...Special request from a 2apd member. The Milwaukee DB Alloy. This is the Glock mag...

Pickle Rick SHHHH
...I just took @StolenboiStudios:8 reinforced Dragon Roll and stuffed it up Rick's arse...

V3 Milglockee UNSEENKILLER MagRip PY2A
...Okay, just one more lol! This time I used UNSEENKILLER's MagRip Gen 3 Glock...

Kobolt Glock 19
...The @KM3D entry into the JSD Supply Invitational G19, meant to pair with a PATMOS...

19.90 PDW Foldi Boi
...@Pushin_P.L.A. gets all the credit for this one! I just made it do foldi...

White Castle Crave Case for Unseenkiller's UFG9
Original files linked above. This is just the case part of the...

Umarex HK MP5 22 FBS-1 Stock
...Laff's FBS-1 Stock remixed for the MP5 22 variant, made by Umarex. Should...

V2 Milglockee with readme and color file (3mf)
...Added the original unseenkiller py2a readme for reference. Also added the 3mf file that's...

PeWALT Chimera FDMA 19
...@Pushin_P.L.A. gets credit for the chimera frame. I just PeWALTed it! G19, FMDA rails...

DD19.2 PeWALT Classic
...@Zucc_this get credit for the frame. I just added the PeWALT to it

DB Alloy A3/MCXISH Folding Stock
...Mashup of several different things to get something in particular.
Credit to @Altpersonalitty for the...

Makita Makilla Glock 19
...Funky_Fetus_Fabrications Vindicator-19 Glock 19 frame with a little Makita vibe
gen 3...

Ryobi Glock 48
...Remix of @philphisher and @BrokenBullets G48 strike frame for all the poors, as requested lol...

Crocodile Skin Case for Unseenkiller's UFG-9
Original files linked above. This is just the case part of the...

...@pushin_P.L.A. gets credit for the chimera frame. I just Ryobi'd it! G19, FMDA...