Be responsible. These are not toys (except for the ones that are)

Colt M1911A1 Cal. .45 ACP
...45 ACP pistol, from blueprints from Rio Benson. This specific design today is somewhat outdated...

STI 2011 .45 ACP
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this! Thank you for your work in this community...

45 ACP
...45 ACP ammunition. This will be the basis of all future 45 ACP designs. Edges...

45 ACP 37mm Shell
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: 37mm; fosscad...

TommyGun Drum files .45 ACP for Tommygun or Poison Sumac
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: art; education; blockchain; gaming; automotive...

3D Printed M1911, Sig P220 Magazine Carrier .45 ACP - File Release
...Printed M1911, Sig P220 Magazine Carrier .45 ACP.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; diy; 3d2a; maker...

AWCY? Presents The "MAC 45" by unseenkiller
...The MAC 45, as the name would indicate, is a printable .45acp MAC 10 project...

Glock 21/20 PDW chassis
...I really want more .45 designs out there!!! I'm just trying to do my...

Mauler P320
...Brute mauler P320 from Halo 3 (best game). Uses a Compact P320 (but you can...

P320 TacGat
...A remix of Digital Nimbus Labs's Tempest P320 Chassis, this one features MORE RAILS...

p320 base plate for jp320 mags
...modified base plates to work with @adventuresintrialanderror:4 p320 mags
works for 15,17 and...

Unseenkiller - Glock 20 and Glock 21 - PY2A
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No Odysee comments will be monitored.
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MAC10 and MAC11 Manual
...A Manual for MAC 10/MAC 11 firearms.
LBRY Tags: firearm; weapon; gun; mac10; mac11...

Guide from Ironwolf Publishing for Building a 9mm MAC11
...A guide to building a MAC in 9mm. For your referencing pleasure.
LBRY Tags: mac10...

Unseenkiller - Bishop
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No Odysee comments will be monitored.
Please read...

TL320 (P320) Magazine Beta 1.2.1
...Beta 1 for thick-lipped 3D print magazine for Sig Sauer P320 using different feed...

Yah3D P320 FCU Frame
...100% Accurate P320 FCU Frame STEP
LBRY Tags: 2a; 3dprint; 3dprinting; p320...

...Re-up of a remix I did years back, for JP Guncad.
LBRY Tags: c...

MR-1 (The Big Mac) (XL REPACK)
...MR-1 (The Big Mac) (XL REPACK): Laffs Dynamics
Magazine release for The Big Mac...

P320 2A FCU (Model and Unfolded)
...Not mine, just reposting to make sure it's saved
All the files I have...