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PP43XO - Printable Glock 43X - DD43.1 / SS80 rails

Philz Phree Phyrearms Phoundation 75.1MiB May 3, 2024, 10:30 p.m.

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**** PP43X Organica ****

The PP43XO is a 3D printable handgun receiver designed to work with Glock 43X/48 components.

This is the final evolution in the quest to develop the ultimate CCW for myself. When printed in nylon/CF and paired with OEM slide and parts, this design has been 100% as reliable as a factory G43X frame. Its surfaces are sculpted for maximum comfort and ergonomics. Aside from the pic rail, you won't find any flat surfaces on this frame. Its molded grip fits my hands perfectly and feels waaaaay better than the OEM grip. My hands aren't exceptionally weird, so there's a decent chance you may find it comfortable as well. Longer versions to fit G48 slides are included.

To assemble an operational firearm, you will need a G43/48 compatible slide, barrel, lower parts kit, and either DD43.1 or SS80 rails. Pairing it with a Shield Arms S15 or PSA Dagger Micro magazine is highly recommended, and of course OEM mags work great too.

Wait, there's more! There's also a printable AIWB holster that fits these frames perfectly (and also fits OEM 43X/48)