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Soda Can Charger

Iamtheskippy88 34.8MiB Jan. 6, 2023, 10:16 a.m.


Its the Soda can Charger. The handguard is the size of a soda can. The chassis is the definition of Tacticool. Your ruger .22 charger will fit like a glove. The possabilities are endless with the Mlok railing. The chassis comes in two configurations, buffer tube style or picatinny style. You can use the OG buffer tube that is included in this kit, oorrrr you can use the picatinny chassis and find yourself a folding brace stabilizer. I dont have a folding one designed at the moment, buuttt im sure you can find one on here or somewhere else. Enjoy!

LBRY Tags: charger; .22; 10/22; ruger; chassis