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This is a slightly modified Mac N Cheese frame using the Nori Frame remix by @RICECUTTA:6
The original Mac N Cheese frame by Middleton had 2 significant issues which I wanted to address on this model:
- AR-15 FCG pin holes were out of spec which would involuntarily result in a binary-like firing malfunction
- Missing a safety selector spring/detent hole making you rely on purely a friction fit selector
Both issues have been resolved to the best of my testing. I have put give or take 300 rounds through this version since doing the mods and it has not repeated the binary-like firing malfunction, even firing as fast as I could. The addition of the spring/detent has made the safety selector both stable and gives it that nice tactile feel.
I did also mimic the mag well style based off the DB Alloy by DB Designs in order to better improve mag well seating.
While I have tested this myself with successful results, please provide feedback, comments or suggestions if you discover any issues.
The original Mac N Cheese frame by Middleton had 2 significant issues which I wanted to address on this model:
- AR-15 FCG pin holes were out of spec which would involuntarily result in a binary-like firing malfunction
- Missing a safety selector spring/detent hole making you rely on purely a friction fit selector
Both issues have been resolved to the best of my testing. I have put give or take 300 rounds through this version since doing the mods and it has not repeated the binary-like firing malfunction, even firing as fast as I could. The addition of the spring/detent has made the safety selector both stable and gives it that nice tactile feel.
I did also mimic the mag well style based off the DB Alloy by DB Designs in order to better improve mag well seating.
While I have tested this myself with successful results, please provide feedback, comments or suggestions if you discover any issues.