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remix of saiga 12 handguard on thingiverse by rgstever
Now Updated and fixed! Changelog -4/27/2024
so i had some time to actually test this and print it.
So the sling mount cut-out might be off - its going to depend on your sling loop to be 100% truthfull. it might work perfect on your saiga clone or it might just be my gun. but that can easily be fixed with a dremol tool. and the easy solution, just dont run a sling on it.
on the specific saiga 12 clone i am running it seems like the part of the handguard that slide into the rear of the receiver (the little tab) was not profiled correctly.
TBH i just kinda winged it and guessed with my second go around and print and it slid right on.
now, the dragon handguard i made ill be honest i kind of just took the design from the guys over at AWCY.
They have that Galelio project. you know? the printable ruger 10/22 & somebody by the name of 3DArmalite Proffesor (i think) is the original designer. tbh i really dont know where i originally got the file.
But i found the file either re-uploaded or original work / design by this guy. (if anybody wants to give credit to original designer in comments hey im trying its hard to keep up with this stuff) but yes - i did not originally design this, nor did i originally design the saiga 12 handguard.
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BOTH THESE FILES WORK NOW, atleast for me if i print them with my saiga 12 clone.
however - these are very large prints, and barrels do get hot, so your mileage may very, and i reccomend using glass fileld nylon for the added heat resistance.
TBH the dragon one looks badass and thats the only reason i made it.
kalashnikov prints -
LBRY Tags: 3-d printing; saiga 12; shotgun; lynx
Now Updated and fixed! Changelog -4/27/2024
so i had some time to actually test this and print it.
So the sling mount cut-out might be off - its going to depend on your sling loop to be 100% truthfull. it might work perfect on your saiga clone or it might just be my gun. but that can easily be fixed with a dremol tool. and the easy solution, just dont run a sling on it.
on the specific saiga 12 clone i am running it seems like the part of the handguard that slide into the rear of the receiver (the little tab) was not profiled correctly.
TBH i just kinda winged it and guessed with my second go around and print and it slid right on.
now, the dragon handguard i made ill be honest i kind of just took the design from the guys over at AWCY.
They have that Galelio project. you know? the printable ruger 10/22 & somebody by the name of 3DArmalite Proffesor (i think) is the original designer. tbh i really dont know where i originally got the file.
But i found the file either re-uploaded or original work / design by this guy. (if anybody wants to give credit to original designer in comments hey im trying its hard to keep up with this stuff) but yes - i did not originally design this, nor did i originally design the saiga 12 handguard.
respective links -
BOTH THESE FILES WORK NOW, atleast for me if i print them with my saiga 12 clone.
however - these are very large prints, and barrels do get hot, so your mileage may very, and i reccomend using glass fileld nylon for the added heat resistance.
TBH the dragon one looks badass and thats the only reason i made it.
kalashnikov prints -
LBRY Tags: 3-d printing; saiga 12; shotgun; lynx