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FGC-68TMC a FGC-9 MKII styled re-skin kit for the Tippmann TMC paintball magfed marker

@UntangleWORKS 34.1MiB Aug. 1, 2022, 7:59 a.m.

9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm

there are 2 editions in this set, the model with the MKII rail on top. and the NORA edition NORA meaning NO RAil. this set was made to give the TMC the same proportion as the FGC-9 wille still giving you a high mag capacity. and it's easy to make since you will not adjust the TMC it self since this is just a camp on kit.

but now a days the FGC-68 can use a lot of different magazine types as well. and that model will give you more options.

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LBRY Tags: fgc-68tmc; paintball; magfed; fgc-68; fgc-68 tmc