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Futuristic-ish Dauchi 22 upper

@thekingisbackboys 613.1KiB Feb. 5, 2022, 6:32 p.m.

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So, you want to make an AR22 and don't want to (or can't) get an stripped upper? WORRY NOT!
For only 9.99 you can have yours printed right at home! (Prices may vary, or may not even reflect the right price)

There's two versions, one with a .22LR and one without it.
Follow original printing instructions from the Dauchi upper, if you want to donate, donate to the original creator, mine is just a cosmetic (and small geometry fixes) remix (If you still love me for creating this remix, doante to me, ammo is expensive and I'm hungry D:)

LBRY Tags: fosscad; daichi; 3d printing; ar22; cantstopthesignal