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Systema Baikanour Release v0.3

Nikolai Romanov's Library 19.8MiB April 5, 2024, 4:59 p.m.

Suppressor ATF Form 1 Accessory

The Systema BaiKaNour is designed as the direct descendant of the RGB Crescent. it is direct thread, solid body, flow through, and unreinforced.

Essentially, it does everything the crescent was supposed to do, but better. This is the result of technological advancement since the Crescent's release.

The BKN comes in two variants, the regular full-size version with flow through elements, as well as the smaller non-flow through BKN(i). The BKN(i) maintains a light weight and nominal 40mm diameter, allowing it to be used in a recessed handguard such as the DB alloy handguard.

All supersonic rated and available in .45ACP, 5.7x28/.22cal, and 9mm.

Development is ongoing for more calibers, as soon as someone with a .40 or 10mm rifle can find me on a social media platform.

LBRY Tags: okb-69; nikolai romanov; suppressor; 3d2a; guns