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AWCY? Presents the "War Machine" by unseenkiller

unseenkiller 131.1MiB March 28, 2024, 7:53 p.m.

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The War Machine (previously known as the Mystery Mac until release day) is a complete redo of the DB Firearms (Danish Bulldog) 9mm Mac-11 "DB9 Slim". Borrowing only internal dims for functioning Mac-11 and AR-15 parts, the War Machine uses entirely separate hardware, so be sure to read the BOM before buying a parts kit!

This project hosts anywhere from 3x Glock mags, all the way up to 12x Glock mags!

Fully loaded with 12x 35rd DMB mags with 420rds of 124gr 9mm - this platform weighs 20.3lbs.

This design is absurd, nobody needs this, not even you... but it is a TON of fun, I will admit.

I hope you enjoy it, enjoy making fun of it, or find some use out of it.

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