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GSG MP5's don't come with threads and I think that's lame, so I designed a 1/2x28 thread adapter for it. All you have to do is use JB Weld and slide your adapter onto the barrel until the muzzle is touching the end of where the threads begin. I recommend letting the adhesive cure before using the adapter. I used a high wall count and PLA+ for this project. I even trusted this project with one of my Form 1 suppressors. The threads are concentric and I did not get a baffle strike. I only shot 45 rounds through this project, but for the entire time the rifle was suppressed. The threads do not show signs of damage, so I am releasing this project to the public. Have Fun and Happy Printing. I am not liable for any damages or laws you break. Use your head.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; weapons
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; weapons