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Projectile for testing custom 3d printed projectiles in rifle platforms.
These will not cycle a standard action without extreme modification.
These are roughly 14 grain when printed correctly.
This boat tail hollow point design has been tested as the best for performance, and safety. Most other geometries bounce back when they strike hard surfaces such as metal and wood.
Grooves to reduce friction.
Lube helps
Titegroup for best results.
In ABS these will hold up to any powder charge you throw at them in 9mm.
Seat them deep and let them yeet.
LBRY Tags: art; education; training
Projectile for testing custom 3d printed projectiles in rifle platforms.
These will not cycle a standard action without extreme modification.
These are roughly 14 grain when printed correctly.
This boat tail hollow point design has been tested as the best for performance, and safety. Most other geometries bounce back when they strike hard surfaces such as metal and wood.
Grooves to reduce friction.
Lube helps
Titegroup for best results.
In ABS these will hold up to any powder charge you throw at them in 9mm.
Seat them deep and let them yeet.
LBRY Tags: art; education; training